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Mayweather vs. Pacquiao was touted as the fight of the century. Some felt it was uneventful and predictable. Yet, others felt it was a ...
Saw it, Liked it, Told Grandma, Got It! I saw that saying on a sign in an office yesterday. I thought of a time my son was observing me p...
If you’re single and you want a partner, you’ve probably spent a lot of time thinking about what you want — mentally, emotionally, spiritual...
In a society that values cognitive intelligence and rationality, we’re told to “do what makes sense” and “be practical.” But this advice is ...
My oldest daughter, Jenna, recently said to me, "My greatest fear as a child was that you and mom would get divorced. Then, when I was ...
31,536,000 – 525,600 – 8760 – 365 – 52 – 12 If I were to give you 31,536,000 of something valuable, would you be excited? Would y...
I patiently sat there waiting to hear my name. Undergoing an annual mammogram is something that I have accepted as part of aging gracef...
Do you find yourself wondering “What happened?” or “How did my life end up like this?” These questions can arise when we find ourselves i...
Loneliness is often a word that is overlooked. In my experience, people will self-diagnose themselves as being depressed when what they ar...