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Unexpected Observation

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Unexpected Observation

I patiently sat there waiting to hear my name.  Undergoing an annual mammogram is something that I have accepted as part of aging gracefully.  I looked around the room vaguely listening to the chatter.  I observed an Asian woman of about 45 years of age.  She had brought someone with her as an interpreter.  The Caucasian women seemingly ranged in age from around 40 to perhaps 70 or so.

Everyone smiled pleasantly as they engaged in conversation.  There did not seem to be any anxiety associated with the screening we were all there to receive. Regardless of our socioeconomic statuses, professions, or life issues – we were all concerned about our health.  We were all there taking a preventative measure to insure our breast health.  

It occurred to me that illness, specifically breast cancer, is not exclusive.  It does not just affect the wealthy or the poor.  It does not care if one is male or female, African American, Caucasian, Hispanic or Asian.  It does not care what type of family one has.  

Although we are all different in so many ways, our similarity was obvious.  Each woman was beautiful.   I was touched to see such different women seemingly interested in the same thing... Living.

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